Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Quick sketch to start the day

Nasturtiums today
Acrylic ink on
watercolour paper
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024 
(The photo colour is not right. I'll try
again tomorrow.)

It is hot here, and muggy, and the garden is thriving.  Rain is expected,
which means I won't have to water.  So I ventured out into the heat and
picked some nasturtiums.  Get to know us.  We always have flowers.
So it's nice when I can just walk out to the back garden and pick some.

I thought I'd do a very fast nasturtiums painting.  So I drew it first and then
started adding acrylic ink.  Nothing can compete with the vibrancy of the
nasturtium colours, but here it is. And it was fun to do.

Have a loving your life day.

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