Monday, August 12, 2024

The art of peaches

Today's bounty
Peaches canned by 
Steven van Schaik
Barbara Muir © 2024

It’s peach time in Ontario, and Steven preserved 6, 3 quart baskets of beautiful
organic peaches this afternoon. It’s quite a process, and he is expert at it.

So once again we’ll have peaches all winter for crepes, French toast,
to put on ice cream, or just to eat— yum. 

The finished jars of peaches look amazing.  I certainly think Steven
is an artist in peaches.

Have a loving your life day.


  1. Barbara - there are many lovely forms of art and certainly canned peaches are one. They look delicious. Have a super day.

  2. Thank you so much Debbie. They are both beautiful and delicious. And in the middle of winter a promise of things to come.


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