Friday, August 30, 2024

The morning journal and drawing practice

Journal Sketch
marker on journal paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

I've called my favourite store manager at Type Books on Spadina to order more
journals because I'm going through them at a pretty quick pace.  Writing 2 or 3 pages
in a journal as I drink my morning coffees (3), and do a quick sketch, gets my day
off to a good start. So I'm trying to keep going. 

I like this sketch of a guy sitting in a café in Paris, because he looks so Parisian --
the elegant scarf, tied the way only Parisian men seem to be able to achieve. And even
his winter coat -- what you can see -- is an elegant wool trench coat. Thinking about
Paris always makes me happy.  Last night we visited with friends and that's
what we talked about.  The best.

Have a loving your life day.

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