Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday night -- another paint-all-day-day


In the kitchen researching for the doctorate
Black marker on bond paper
12 x 14 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010

I know I've shown this drawing more than once.  It's because
I really like it. It's of a young woman named Julia who lived
in our neighbourhood.

Here's what I wrote about the drawing in a former blog:

Julia was actively working on her doctorate while
I drew her.  She helped me with all kinds of things in my
home and studio.  Brilliant and beautiful, Julia is now married
and has children.

I loved being around her.  She was quietly capable, and
clearly just trying to keep her genius on the quiet.  
We shared a love of cats, flowers and words.

Have an enjoying your busyness day."

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Enjoy the flowers


Ken's flowers
acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir 2009

Sometimes what happened last year repeats itself.  You know that.  It's
been another very busy day, and this painting I posted a year ago seems
like the perfect image focusing on beauty. Our house is always full of 
flowers.  And the garden is magnificent right now.  These are flowers I
painted in the Maritimes 15 years ago.

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The beauty of the countryside


Yellow fields
Acrylic ink and pencil
on watercolour paper
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © 2022

There are some days as a painter when you hardly get to go outside.  Today
was like that.  And it was a beautiful day.  I'd go out for a couple of minutes,
and then back to the studio.  Yes. The painting I'm working on is coming along.

I love this painting, and I love what it captures -- the beauty of the breathtaking
drive past farmland along the St. Lawrence River in Quebec.  I am
ready to get out into the countryside again.  Yes!

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Best Practices

Journal Sketch
marker on journal paper

6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

I know I've talked about the practice of doing a sketch in the morning
as I drink my coffee before, but it is on my mind today because
I write two pages, and then on good days draw a portrait on one, 
ending up with three journal pages.  So I whip through the beautiful
spiral bound journals I buy at Type Books in Forest Hill Village in
Toronto.  The fabulous artist Nick Rubi is the manager at that store
on Spadina, and he ordered me more of those beautiful journals. 

They're lined so my drawings are not on unlined paper, but it doesn't
matter. They are perfect journals -- so I bought 3 more today. 
Check out Nick Rubi's very cool art on Instagram at the link I 
gave you above.

When I write the two pages, and do the drawing I usually have
a more creative day.  It's like I've already got the day moving
in the direction that makes me happy.

This is a super quick morning sketch.  I like the serious expression
on the man's face.  And of course I like the suit look -- very New York City.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, September 16, 2024

What’s in a name?

Self portrait sketch
Me as a teenager
Watercolour on
 watercolour paper
11 x 14 inches
Barbara Muir ©

 Ever since I met Alessandra, Mascitti, (who was the wonderful co-ordinator
for the Russo brothers when they exhibited artists like me in the Carousel du Louvre
exhibitions) I have wanted to change my first name from Barbara to Alessandra.
 I won’t be doing this, but when I write a note to my husband, I sign it Barbara
and then in a separate space Alessandra, Gloria Galletti. Galletti (many different
spellings) was the family name of my Italian great, great, great grandmother. And
Alessandra Gloria Galletti is the name I wish I could have.

Few people understand this because my regular name -- Barbara Muir --has been
good to me, so they believe, (understandably) that I should be happy with it.
And I am. But if I could wave a magic wand and change my name -- enough said.

I met an artist the other day who completely understood what I meant. She has
decided to sign her artwork with the name, Amaryllis. Her real name is Maria,
but she finds that that name is not exciting enough. We bonded instantly.
This new friend calls me Alessandra and I call her Amaryllis. Which is funny.

She pointed out that so many actors and musicians have made up new names
for themselves, and asked was there any reason we couldn’t? I suppose I have a long
list of reasons, but the whole conversation was fun.

I was looking for a self portrait to illustrate tonight's blog, and this sketch
seemed perfect.  I don't ever even remember wearing my hair up, and of course
I'm blonde now -- so she does look like a different person. 

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The pleasure of anemones

A gift of anemones
watercolour and acrylic on 
watercolour paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2020

It's taken me 3/4 of an hour to be allowed to get into my blog to write
to you tonight.  But anemones were my theme, because we had part of
our family over for a gathering mostly in the garden near our huge 
patch of blooming absolutely beautiful Fall blooming anemones.

We have all been sick with this or that, mostly colds, and some of us
were still coughing, but we figured even if we all don't feel great, it
would be lovely to see one another.  So the children played next
to the lovely backdrop of anemones on a hot September day.
I hope you are well, and that you had a wonderful weekend.

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The garden flowers are a feast for the eyes

Holding our heads high 
Watercolour on Arches 
watercolour paper
6 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012

This is a perfect painting to describe our garden delights right now, even
though it was painted 12 years ago.  It's Saturday and Steven and I always
have a busy day on Saturday.  We went to the market where a young helper
was very proud of the bouquet he'd made for me.  Then we had to do a list
of weekend tasks.

Now it's movie time.  So after a brief walk with the dog we'll be settling down
to whatever our Saturday movie treat is.

Have a loving your life day.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Looking back looking forward

Shadow Play in Forest Hill
Acrylic on canvas
14 x 18  inches
Barbara Muir © 2010

I painted most of the day on a painting that is complicated, and is taking
quite a while to complete.  On top of that a lot is happening in so many
directions that I thought I'd look back at a piece I published on this day
14 years ago.  

I like the playful abstraction of the shadows in this. When I take my daily
walk, often at night, the shadows always captivate me. My husband Steven
likes to wave at me with his shadow, and I make a heart above my head back at
him.  The dark shadows of course are the result of street lights, or garage 
lights in the alleyways near us.

Wishing you a great weekend.

Have a loving your life day. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Coming upon work at friends' places


For the lily
Pen and ink and coloured pencil
on art paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir ©

I was talking to a friend in British Columbia today and she was telling me
about paintings of mine that she owns. Ten years ago I wrote a blog about
coming upon this piece of art in my friend's house in Hamilton, Ontario.
I am tired tonight, it's been a busy day, so I think it's worth reposting.  Here's
what I said:

"I noticed 
a drawing by the front door, and realized it
was mine from long ago.  Woo Hoo I thought.
I sure could draw!  I was a big fan of a number
of botanical artists, and for a while when my
oldest was a baby made my money from
this work -- pen and ink drawings coloured
in coloured pencil.  Looking at this I was
astonished at the detail, pleased even, but
glad that I have moved on from that.
I still like precision, and I am happy with the
movement in this drawing, but it made me
crave a big brush and a big canvas.

Ciment fondu sculpture
Marcia Labelle ©
I asked Marcia if I could include one of her
pieces in my blog.  She pointed to this
superb sculpture of her husband David.
She probably did this at about the same
time as I did the drawing.  It shows off
both her incredible skill as a sculptor,
and the love she felt for David, then and now.
You can check out more of her work here."

Have a loving your life day. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Miss you Daddy

My Dad (from his own self portrait)
Charcoal on Canson Mixed Media paper
13 x 14 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
(My father loved black and white photography --
he had books by all of the greats in
that field.  He took beautiful colour
photos too, but that was not his passion.  
The photo I based my drawing on told
me so much about my father.  His love
of playing with light and his knowledge
about light is so evident.  Plus this
is my father in casual dress!  Yes
he would not leave his house, even
to go to the store for many years if
he wasn't dressed properly. Plus his sense
of humour came through in the merest 
suggestion of a smile.)

9/11  is a sad day in America because of the horrific events of that day in 2001.
For me and my siblings it's a sad day because that was the day my father died
-- not in 2001. Today I am going to quote what I said before about my father. 
"I love everything my father taught me.  I most definitely walk in his
footsteps.  He was a very strict father for small children -- but as
we grew up, he enjoyed us more and more. 

And here's what I know.  Not only is my father visible in my face, and in
 my way of talking, my love of humour, and the fact that I have been both
a journalist, and an artist, like him. 
But the main connection I have with my
Dad is in my 

The powerful message he would like me to convey
is that love lasts.  It never goes away.  And
my Dad's love for me, and mine for him is a
wonderful thing, and always will be for me.
Isn't that comforting to know?  I think so."
Have a loving life day.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

This post seemed right for tonight -- who are your cheerleaders?

Acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010

I found this post from 2010 that seems right for tonight.  A dear friend is going
through a crisis about work, and I love what I said here:

"Who are your cheerleaders? Is this an idle question? I don't think
so. I hope the first person on your team of supporters is you, because
without belief in what you do, you can't keep going.
But how about your friends? In the art world
there are people who are supportive, detractors,
and those who just don't care. But this job requires
a lot of nerve. After all many people won't understand
either what you're creating, or why you're creating it.
Some fierce little person inside has to keep going
through snide remarks, lack of appreciation, and
outright put downs. But that person (you/me) also
has to learn to move away from the detractors, and
seek out a great cheering team. I don't mean that
you force people into a corner and say "hey -- tell me
I'm good!" I mean you seek out people who like what
you do, and who like you, and those friends,
acquaintances, and as the circle grows, total strangers,
are your positive back up.

Now Alyson Stanfield, who writes the artbizblog,
I can imagine might say there's another group. Those are
converts. The reason you can't rule out people who
outright dislike your work altogether is twofold.
Tastes change -- the tastes of your audience -- and you
change -- your work evolves and goes in different
directions. One day you'll be at a show
of your work, and see a former critic approaching
you beaming. Are you going to turn away because
that person didn't used to "get" your work. No.
You're going to beam back, and possibly have a
convert, even a collector now on your team.

A final idea. Don't let detractors stop you. Not if
you believe in yourself. I heard the other day about
a wonderful writer who didn't write for 20 years
because of a cruel remark. What a shame. Twenty
lost years. See what I mean? Take the cruel remark
to your closest supporters, and they'll help you
let it go and move on.

Have a cheering-on-the-people-you-believe-in day.

P.S. Thank you to my team of supporters. I rarely
hear any cruel remarks anymore. And if I do, I
either weigh the remark's validity, or I discount it,
or I head right to my friends for a talk about it, and drop
it after an intelligent and often funny discussion."

Have a loving your life day. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Another painting I’m proud of


At the market
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 36 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009

Last week I was posting paintings that I was proud of for a project
that invited artists to share 10 pieces that made them proud. I was asked
to take part in that project by the wonderful artist Liza Hirst.

Looking through my website, I saw this painting which I would have to
add to the list. This is a portrait of Jan Marriott, a woman who knows
everything about vintage fabric. She now mostly sells online, but I met her
when she was selling at the Brickworks market in Toronto. The portrait.
shows Jan in that setting with quilts behind her, and beautiful fabrics on the
 table in front of her. Jan is a wonderful person, and kind friend. Many of the
 beautiful things in my house came from her collections.

I’m so happy that I was asked to paint this painting, and that Jan liked it, and
still uses it as her profile image.

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Happy week. Come out to the Heliconian Wednesday if you're in Toronto

Jesca's favourite place
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © Revised 2024
Photo: © Steven van Schaik

This is a close up of my painting cropped from a distant photo yesterday.  I promise to
concentrate on photos unless you're at the second opening, and then I will be so delighted
that we'll talk, and photos will not be at the top of the list -- you will.  The opening of the
Encounter show Wednesday at the Heliconian Club, 
35 Hazelton Ave., runs from 4 - 7:30. 
Drop in if you can, it would be wonderful to 
see you. It's free, and there will be treats.

I hope you have a great and creative week.  And if you're in Toronto, DM me if 
you're coming to the second opening. I plan to be there.

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Opening of the Encounter show at the Heliconian Club today

Me with my paintings

On the left:
Water Image #1
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © Revised 2024

On the right:
Jesca's favourite place
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © Revised 2024
Photo: © Steven van Schaik

(Yes the paintings lean
out a bit from the hanger, but they
are perfectly square. The position
distorts them slightly.)

The opening today at the Heliconian Club was wonderful.  I had so much
fun talking to visitors and the artists that I didn't take pictures of the rest
of the show.  Forgive me.  

I met such fantastic people -- wow.  The show is super, and if you missed the
opening today, there is a second opening on this coming Wednesday,
September 11 from 4 - 7:30 p.m.  I plan to be there for that opening too, and
would love to see you there. The show is free, and...

I will bring cookies.

Have a loving your life day. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Looking back -- 10 years ago on this day.


Tide coming in by the farm
Acrylic on birch panel
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © 2014

Ten years ago on this day, I did this little painting which I love based on my 
memories of the beach we usually spend a lot of time on in Nova Scotia.
Tomorrow as I've said is the opening of the Encounter show of new member's
work at the Heliconian Club, 35 Hazelton Ave.  I will be bringing macarons, and
will be there from 2 - 4 p.m.  The opening runs until 5 p.m.

I love this blog from 10 years ago, so I'm going to share it with you today.

"Tonight's painting is another view of the beach
and coastline, where I have spent part of my summers
for many years.  This landscape is part of my psyche.
It belongs to me.  In the words of one of the
characters in the Joshilyn Jackson novels we
listened to full time in the car out east. "Mine!"  She
even writes about a baby who wants the ocean in
A Grown Up Kind of Pretty.

On one of my old Louise Hay audiobooks,
(I don't know which one), she talked about
enjoying other people's good fortune, beautiful
houses, every kind of luxury, and she said,
"we never really own anything, it is only on
loan to us."  I loved that idea, because of course
it's true.

You are not allowed to claim the beach in
 front of your cottage as private in Nova
Scotia where we walk on the beach.
My school house is a 25 minute car ride
from the beach. I don't own that beach,
but my eyes, heart, memory and spirit own
 it inside out.
Market flowers, and peaches.
Starting to prep for the long winter.
I miss it but love Toronto too.  We went to the
market today, and came home laden with
peaches and flowers.  I thought of my friend
Flora, in Bear River, who grows a huge garden,
cans and freezes endless amounts of veggies and
fruits and paints giant, gorgeous paintings.  My
admiration for all that energy knows no bounds."

Have a loving-the-places-you-"own" day.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Heliconian Encounter show opening is from 2-5 p.m. Saturday, August 7


Jesca's favourite place
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © Revised 2024

This is not the final piece.  One of the things I forget to do when dropping off
work for a show early in the morning, before my second coffee is to 
photograph the work.  I added quite a bit to this painting, and changed
some things, but didn't get a photo of the final product.

I do hope you'll come out to see the show.  The show organizers gave me the
 perfect place for my two portraits, and I am grateful.

Have a loving your life day.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Come out to the Encounter Show at the Heliconian Club Saturday!


Water Image #1
(close up)
Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © Revised 2024

Please come and see this (the photo doesn't show the full work) at the Heliconian Club, 35
Hazelton Avenue, Encounter show which opens this Saturday, September 7, from 2 - 5 p.m.
I will be there from 2 - 4 p.m. and would love to see you. The show is free and there will be coffee
and treats.

This is one of two paintings I have in the show. I'll reveal the other one tomorrow.

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The lake is the answer

Sunset at the lake
Barbara Muir © 2024

Being by water makes me happy.  This view of a spectacular sunset a few nights
ago, plus the swans did the trick.  Awesome. It was the last day of August, which
felt like the last day of summer, even though summer isn't officially over until 
September 22. 

I am getting a couple of paintings ready to go into a show on Thursday.  More 
about that tomorrow.  The opening of the Encounter show is at the Heliconian Club,
35 Hazelton Avenue, between 2 and 5 p.m. on Saturday, September 7. I will there.
It's free, and they serve great coffee and cookies.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, September 2, 2024

The best of summer

Friends in Quebec City
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © Revised 2024

Today was stupendously gorgeous. We went to one of our favourite parks
on the west end of the city, and had a magnificent walk beside Lake Ontario,
which was showing off — a delicious blue against a pure blue sky.

We saw the usual ducks, geese, and seagulls. Plus we saw one of our favourite
swan couples from afar. And 100s of dragonflies flew overhead clearing the
air of the late afternoon midges.

I revised this painting a bit today. I thought the feel of it was perfect for that
last day of summer vacation, the women are sitting on a bench on the boardwalk
in Quebec City—one of my favourite places. The city has that French charm
we love so much. 

I hope you had a great summer. We did.

Have a loving your life day. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September 1 feels like New Year's Day


Coffee at 8th Avenue and 23rd Street, NYC
charcoal on bond paper
18 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010

I'm posting this drawing, because other than writing my blog and my
Instagram posts, this is a day off.  September feels brand new.  So I'm
thinking of what I'd like to do in a dreamy way.  I'd love to show in 
New York once the American election is over, provided Trump doesn't
win.  I love the city, and this drawing sums up the happy feeling I get there

Plus of course I want to go back to Paris.  As for today we had a super
time hanging out on our sunny back porch with the animals (2 cats and
a dog), talking to neighbours, getting some groceries, and then going
for a beautiful walk to find the source of some great music that was 
energizing the neighbourhood.  A decent length walk got us to the party.
Amazing music to celebrate a fellow's birthday.  Lucky man. We
sent him our birthday wishes through another guest, then walked 
around the block so we could hear the music full strength again
from the next street. Awesome.

Happy long weekend.

Have a loving your life day.

Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!