Thursday, September 12, 2024

Coming upon work at friends' places


For the lily
Pen and ink and coloured pencil
on art paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir ©

I was talking to a friend in British Columbia today and she was telling me
about paintings of mine that she owns. Ten years ago I wrote a blog about
coming upon this piece of art in my friend's house in Hamilton, Ontario.
I am tired tonight, it's been a busy day, so I think it's worth reposting.  Here's
what I said:

"I noticed 
a drawing by the front door, and realized it
was mine from long ago.  Woo Hoo I thought.
I sure could draw!  I was a big fan of a number
of botanical artists, and for a while when my
oldest was a baby made my money from
this work -- pen and ink drawings coloured
in coloured pencil.  Looking at this I was
astonished at the detail, pleased even, but
glad that I have moved on from that.
I still like precision, and I am happy with the
movement in this drawing, but it made me
crave a big brush and a big canvas.

Ciment fondu sculpture
Marcia Labelle ©
I asked Marcia if I could include one of her
pieces in my blog.  She pointed to this
superb sculpture of her husband David.
She probably did this at about the same
time as I did the drawing.  It shows off
both her incredible skill as a sculptor,
and the love she felt for David, then and now.
You can check out more of her work here."

Have a loving your life day. 

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