Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday night -- another paint-all-day-day


In the kitchen researching for the doctorate
Black marker on bond paper
12 x 14 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010

I know I've shown this drawing more than once.  It's because
I really like it. It's of a young woman named Julia who lived
in our neighbourhood.

Here's what I wrote about the drawing in a former blog:

Julia was actively working on her doctorate while
I drew her.  She helped me with all kinds of things in my
home and studio.  Brilliant and beautiful, Julia is now married
and has children.

I loved being around her.  She was quietly capable, and
clearly just trying to keep her genius on the quiet.  
We shared a love of cats, flowers and words.

Have an enjoying your busyness day."

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