Friday, September 6, 2024

Looking back -- 10 years ago on this day.


Tide coming in by the farm
Acrylic on birch panel
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © 2014

Ten years ago on this day, I did this little painting which I love based on my 
memories of the beach we usually spend a lot of time on in Nova Scotia.
Tomorrow as I've said is the opening of the Encounter show of new member's
work at the Heliconian Club, 35 Hazelton Ave.  I will be bringing macarons, and
will be there from 2 - 4 p.m.  The opening runs until 5 p.m.

I love this blog from 10 years ago, so I'm going to share it with you today.

"Tonight's painting is another view of the beach
and coastline, where I have spent part of my summers
for many years.  This landscape is part of my psyche.
It belongs to me.  In the words of one of the
characters in the Joshilyn Jackson novels we
listened to full time in the car out east. "Mine!"  She
even writes about a baby who wants the ocean in
A Grown Up Kind of Pretty.

On one of my old Louise Hay audiobooks,
(I don't know which one), she talked about
enjoying other people's good fortune, beautiful
houses, every kind of luxury, and she said,
"we never really own anything, it is only on
loan to us."  I loved that idea, because of course
it's true.

You are not allowed to claim the beach in
 front of your cottage as private in Nova
Scotia where we walk on the beach.
My school house is a 25 minute car ride
from the beach. I don't own that beach,
but my eyes, heart, memory and spirit own
 it inside out.
Market flowers, and peaches.
Starting to prep for the long winter.
I miss it but love Toronto too.  We went to the
market today, and came home laden with
peaches and flowers.  I thought of my friend
Flora, in Bear River, who grows a huge garden,
cans and freezes endless amounts of veggies and
fruits and paints giant, gorgeous paintings.  My
admiration for all that energy knows no bounds."

Have a loving-the-places-you-"own" day.

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