Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Hard at work, and it's raining


Rain Ahead
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017

It was a big working day today.  Almost finished a painting, got a large canvas
double gessoed (the gesso used by the manufacturer sheds paint), did some 
planning, organized some finances, and walked 10,000 steps in the rain.

It's been super cold here, so one effect of the rain, was it was way warmer.
It's so Canadian to be excited about 5 degrees Celsius (41 Fahrenheit),
but we were. 

I found a point of view I like in a former post about rain.  Here it is:

"A friend said that people assume that when
we artists paint a grey sky, or a rain filled image that
we are gloomy.  But no.  Because we love the look
of rain too!  Landscape painters love weather and
change, and find beauty in nature's variety.

This painting -- Rain Ahead -- captures the amazing rain my
and I saw driving home to Toronto from Ottawa on our
 anniversary weekend in 2017."

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The invitations are printed!


Invitations to my solo show in April 
The Art of Celebration

The first set of invitations is printed. Did I forget something in my hurry to get the invitations 
printed?  Yes!  The name of the show -- The Art of Celebration.  But hey! the most
important information is there, and if I know you, and you're in Toronto, I'll be happy
to give you one of these soon, and if you're not in Toronto, and want to come, please see
the details on the invitations photographed here, and I'd love to see you there! 

Have a loving your life day!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Living in the now

Colours of Joy
Acrylic on Canvas
36 x 48 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024
(This seems right for tonight --
painted 100% from my 
imagination. And I like it.
It will be in my April show.)

It's been a great day in the "now" today.  My printer started working on my
show invitations, and his design looks great.  I met an artist at my favourite
art store, and we're friends on Instagram.

Plus it was sunny and the snow was melting.  And I worked on two 
paintings.  Yes!

Here's what I said about Now last year.

"You read a lot about nostalgia -- remember back when...?
And then for an artist there is infinite advice on planning for
the future.

How about owning now? My husband and I sit on our
back porch in the white painted wicker chairs watching
birds flit in and out of our Christmas tree that a friend attached
to one of our trellises against the fence. (Note: it's been
way too cold in 2025 to do this yet) But yes Steven spills bird
seed onto the tree, and the birds love it.  It gives that tree
a whole new life.  Yes by the end of March it will be over,
but in the now it is amazing. (In 2025 we watch the birds 
in the Christmas tree through the kitchen door.)

How about drawing in the now? Looking at something
that pulls you in, and making it into an image. Walking
into the studio and thinking, 'what if I do this?,' and
doing it."

Have a loving the now day!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Great day today on the road picking up art

Now that was good!
Black marker on notebook paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 

We had a great day today travelling to another town to pick up a painting
from a collector who is a friend. The collector is very kindly allowing me
to show one of my favourite works in my solo show in April.

Scrolling through past posts I found this image, and love it. 
Steven and I love room service breakfasts in hotels so much!
For us a romantic hotel visit (like we had on Valentine's
weekend) means a delicious 
breakfast in the room every morning,
beautifully served on a little table, 
maybe even with flowers.  

It’s late. We just got home, and I’m going to make dinner, so that's it
for tonight.

Have a loving your life day!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Super opening today at the Heliconiaj Equinox show

My work in the show.
Some people piled their coats on
the couches
that surround the beautiful space.
I was so enthralled with the music
that I didn't take any good photos.
I will do better at the opening
on March 12.

The Equinox exhibition opening was today from 2-5 p.m.  The show
runs from March 1 (
today), to April 2. And it's a beauty -- a jubilant,

and thoughtful celebration of the beginning of spring.

At the reception today, Heliconian Club music members Rita Greer,
(clarinet), Louise Morley (piano) and Velma Ko (viola) performed a
Mozart Trio for Clarinet, Viola and Piano from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. as
part of the free public opening. And they were fabulous.

The next opening is on March 12th, and I'll tell you more as the 
date approaches. 

Have a loving your life day!

Friday, February 28, 2025

As always missing my father

Portrait of my father 
black marker on bond paper
7 x 9 inches
Barbara Muir © 

Each year this is a hard day in some ways.  My father is always in my thoughts.
His birthday was today, and he has been gone too long. I don't remember anyone
in my family ever making a big deal of my father's birthday. Too bad because
my immediate family is very celebratory. 

My posts from the last couple of years on this day say it all:

"Happy Birthday to my father, who died way too young. I found an
old journal of mine talking about his love of photography, and how
he bought himself the best equipment.  I passed some of his gear
on to my older son, and to a neighbour who was studying photography
at Metro Toronto University. My father's photography is amazing and
does stand the test of time.

Girl pretending to smoke
 a chocolate cigarette
8 x 10 inches
W. W. Muir
(One of my all time favourite
photos by my father. He worked
almost exclusively in black and white.
His colour photos are good too.
Chocolate cigarettes are not
cigarettes -- just candy. And yes
you can still buy them.  They
call them candy sticks and they're
wrapped in white paper, and look
like cigarettes.)

And his art was also wonderful. I only have one painting, which is in our
front bedroom, and every time I look at it, I marvel at his talent, with
no instruction whatsoever. He read books about art, and that was that
was how he learned.  I wish he was here.  He was a complicated
man, a harsh disciplinarian in our younger years, and a staunch 
supporter of me and my art, and writing when I was starting out."

He would be delighted that I'm having a solo show this April.  I hear
him encouraging me every time I go and stare at his beautiful painting
of flowers. 

Have a loving your family day.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thoughts of spring!


Spring Table
Acrylic on canvas
12 x 36 inches
Revised 2025 © Barbara Muir

This is one of my paintings in the Equinox show at the Heliconian Club this
month, opening March 1, from 2 - 5 p.m.  The whole idea of the show is to
celebrate the return of the light, and the coming of spring.

We are pretty good at keeping ourselves happy in our house -- but on this snowy
day the thought of the trees bursting into bloom, and the garden offering one
treasure after another is more than exciting.  So come out and see the beautiful
 art in the show.

Have a loving your life day.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Come out to the Equinox opening on Saturday, March 1

This is the Heliconian Club show poster 
which is pretty cool
image credit: Winter Wei

And this is what they've got to say
about the show:

"Opening Reception:

Saturday March 1, 2-5 pm

Exhibition runs March 1 to April 2

During the opening reception, we are happy to announce that Heliconian Club music members Rita Greer, (clarinet), Louise Morley (piano) and Velma Ko (viola) will be performing a Mozart Trio for Clarinet, Viola and Piano between 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm as part of the free public event.

Light refreshments will be available.

Image credit: Winter Wei."

So if you're free Saturday come and have some fun.

Have a loving your life day!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Another wonderful painting is coming to my solo show


In the City
Acrylic on canvas
36 x 48 inches
Barbara Muir © 2016

I probably have the nicest collectors in the universe, and it's wonderful when
they're excited about my solo show at the Heliconian in April, and want to
contribute.  So today I found out that the collector of this beauty -- one of my
favourites, wants it to be in that show.  Please come to my opening at 35
Hazelton Avenue if you're in Toronto April 5, between 2 and 5 p.m.  I would
love to see you there. 

Meanwhile I'm working away on some new pieces, and if all goes well they 
will be there too.  I read a great line from an Irish poet today -- Seamus
Heaney -- "Walk on air against your better judgment."  I interpret that
to mean be happy even if that looks unreasonable.  Perfect for right now
right?  Well I am happy and delighted that you can meet this work
inspired by the wonderful photography of Howard Wolinsky.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Happy Wedding Monthaversary to my sweetheart


Me and my sweetheart Steven, with some 
Valentine's Day bluebirds
Just right for the Month of Love
(These photos were taken at
the Louvre by a friend who
lives in Paris.)

Today is the Monthaversary of our wedding day. I know you already
know this, but every month we have a little toast to each other at dinner
on our Monthaversary. I am a bit under the weather today with a cold, but
I started a big painting, and I’m excited about it. So perhaps the happy day
helped me.

In recent years, Steven and I have spent more time together than ever before
because of COVID restrictions, and a significant drop in social occasions. Last
year when Steven was very ill, and in the hospital for eight days, I 
felt overcome by just how much he means to me, and how much I love each day
with him. Loving someone is not a light, superficial thing, it’s life-changing.
I am so grateful to have this wonderful relationship. 

Wishing a happy love life to everyone. 

Have a loving your life day!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Wonderful news


Dream Selfie -- Wonder Water Image #7
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara e Muir © 2016

This is one of my favourite paintings.  I showed it in the Louvre in Paris
in 2016 -- had the best time, and the painting sold when it came back to
Canada.  Today the collector said that I could include the painting in my
solo show, and I am over the moon with happiness about that.
So please come out to my solo show The Art of Celebration between 
2 and 5 p.m. on Saturday April 5, at The Heliconian Club, 35 Hazelton
Ave. The building looks like a church, but it's not, it's an art club. 

Have a loving your life day!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Happy Monthaversary of our first date -- Yep!


Me and Steven at Cliff Lumsdon Park on
the actual anniversary of our first date.
It's summer in the photo but not outside here.
Brrr - cold and very deep snow
In the background in this photo
a photographer is setting up a wedding photo.

It's Saturday night and movie night, so as always this will be brief.  It's our Monthaversary
of our first date, and the Valentine's cards I had printed came in handy.  Yes we call this 
whole month the month of love.  We've voted in our provincial election, so that's out of
the way.  If you're in Ontario and reading this, please vote.

Have a great evening, and a great rest of the weekend.

Have a loving your life day.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Belated Happy Family Day


Let's get this party started!
First in the Times Tables series
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2013
(One of my all time favourite
paintings because the family
is so happy, and because they were
wonderful models at a hard
time in my life.)

I missed talking about Family Day which was Monday February 17 in
some provinces in Canada.  Ontario had the day off. We started that
day in Ottawa, and visited family in Chelsea Quebec, and then perhaps
I forgot because of the long drive home.

If you didn't have Family Day where you live, hug your family, or give them
a call.  And hug the friends who are like family for you. We need each other now.

And to Megan, Christopher, Emily, Sam, Alice, Madeleine, James, Sally, Angus, Andrew,
Lina, Jemma, Jackson, Quincy, Jon, Kathryn, Rose, Rae, our dog Sally, our cats --
Fiona and Monet -- Happy Family Day, and thanks for being our family. And thanks
to the wonderful people who kept our animals happy while we were away.

Love to my family, and you my friends, and to my art, blogging, Instagram and
Facebook family.

Have a loving your life day!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Hard at work - thinking about the benefits of the internet


Painting most of the day today despite coping with a bad cold.  "Is it a cold?"  A friend asked if I have
tested. Yes. Not COVID.  "Were my tests up to date?"  Yes. Daughter of a bacteriologist. Believer in
science. So tonight I'm sharing a former blog post that I like about the Internet and being an artist.
I have updated the statistics.

"Okay I admit that I've looked at Instagram today, checked my
blog, and read some email.  But I can't get behind the idea
that the Internet is harming creativity.  Really?  Let's check
this out.

1. Before the Internet, artists were restricted in large part
to being alone, and working alone.  If you were
painting in that ancient time, do you remember how
isolated you felt? 

2. The Internet through all the social media sites, through
blogs like mine, connects artists to artists all over the 
world.  When you are working on a piece and post it,
people comment on how well you're doing.  
You never had support like that in the far back past.

3. Seeing work from all over the world, adds to, it does not
detract from our creativity.  New ideas and new ways
of working pop up every day on favourite artists' sites,
and many of them post how-to videos, photos of how
their studios are organized.  I have learned so much!
I admit that if you have no sense of time you could
perhaps lose days just looking at what people do.
But even that would be a productive use of an artist's

4. Being public as an artist puts pressure on us to
produce.  Less creative than before the Internet?
I hardly think so.  Nothing is more of a push to
get going with new work, finish old work, do the
work period, than knowing people are waiting to
see what you are doing.  We all can have an
audience now if we want it.  And I don't get the
idea of creating art in a vacuum and not sharing it
with the world.  Sharing it to me seems to be one
of the reasons for creating work.

5. Speaking of being noticed -- how would I have
been found by Howard Wolinsky, the Chicago
Journalist (and fantastic photographer)
if I didn't have a web presence (a blog)?  And
how would his YouTube interviews with me 
get picked up by the Oprah Winfrey show if
I didn't have a blog?  Marvellous and miraculous
opportunities open up for artists because of the 
Internet.  Oh and the reason I was noticed --
I was working on a then new form of Internet
communication -- Skype. 

6. And perhaps equally exciting are the
invitations to take part in International shows that
might never have come my way, if my work 
wasn't out there, visible, online.  How 
wonderful to get the chance to show in New York 
City, the Louvre, in Paris, or The Florence Biennale, 
in Italy and meet artists whose work you admire face 
to face. How lovely to visit cities you have always
wanted to see, and to make new friends there. 

7.  Let's not forget one of the reasons for producing
art if you are a professional artist -- sales.  We work
in one of the few professions in the world which
is supposed to be above discussions of money.
It's true.  I can't tell you how many artists have told
me that either they don't sell their work, or they
don't care about sales.  Either those artists are
independently wealthy (and I have met many
such artists) or they've bought (pardon my wording)
the myth that artists should be above concerns
about cash.  Not true.  The Internet can bring
artists sales from anywhere and anyone.  And it does.

8. Having an Internet presence gives artists a quick
and easy record of what they've done, and if they
write a blog, like I do, they've also got fast access
to what they were thinking creating a certain piece
of work, what their worries were, what methods
they used, and valuable insight into what their 
ideas and goals were in the past,  and how they've
changed and grown.

9.  Proof of creativity is an incredible advantage of 
the Internet.  Since I started this little blog in 2008
I've written 4000 blogs.  Say I get down (and everybody
including artists has their down days) -- that number
alone should help me see that I haven't been 
completely idle, I've been creative.  And that's just the blog,
and what about other social media.  Plus I am
getting close to 1, 515,629 hits (or people looking at
and reading my blog.)  That is quite a lot more
attention than I would have had working alone in
my little studio, and it is encouraging.  Oddly enough
we artists are doing a peculiar thing -- making something
out of nothing.  Many of us are as insecure as all get
out about it.  The proof that people notice is a great
boon to our spirits, our productivity, and I believe
our mental health.,

10.  It just gets better.  There is so much I haven't
mentioned -- all the supportive people we can meet
who conduct seminars we can access online, both paid and
unpaid to learn about the technical, financial, 
theoretical -- every aspect of art and creativity.  TED
Talks, Alyson Stanfield, please add to this list in the
comments, I have to go and paint soon.  Plus there is
a code of honour -- certainly in the art blog world.
We only comment on work we like.  So all of our
comments are positive.  And in my experience as a 
teacher -- believe me that has a magical effect.
It is not bad for creativity for people to earn 
praise -- quite the opposite.  Think about it.
Which friend makes you want to continue with
(anything), the one who criticizes every single 
thing you do, or the one who notices what you're
doing well.  I pick the latter, and I know you would

That's it for today folks.  Hurray for the Internet
and the boost to creativity everywhere.

Have an enjoying the Internet day."

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

A hot lemon kind of day

 Hot lemon on a silver tray
watercolour and marker on 
Arches watercolour paper
10 x 6 inches
Barbara Muir © 

I seem to have (no I actually have) caught a cold on my romantic long weekend away
with my sweetheart.  I was fooled by the fact that Steven sneezes all the time, so I
didn't take that seriously, and he was on meds I thought for his allergies, but really because
he had a cold! He didn't know that was what it was. Now I do.

So it's a short one today.  I'm sitting in my studio surrounded by giant canvasses waiting for
my attention.  And I reassure them as much as possible, that it's all going to happen. It is.

Meanwhile more hot lemon with maple syrup, and powerful, positive wishes for a quick

Have a loving your life day!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

17 years of blogging -- 17 Gratitudes

Before the Dance
Acrylic on canvas
Barbara Muir © 2008
(One of the many things I've learned
 in 17 years of blogging is how
to take better photos. But this
 is the original painting I put on
 my first blog.)

I started this blog 17 years ago today -- which seems completely
unreal.  It actually feels like yesterday.  My friend Flora Doehler
was blogging, and tried to get me into it, but I resisted. Thank 
goodness I did begin it on this day -- the blog has been a major force
connecting me to wondrous events in my life!

Today's blog gratitude list

1.  Thank you Flora for suggesting that I start a blog. You were so right.

2. Thank you to my son Christopher for getting the blog

3. Thank you to all of my blog friends, many of you remain
friends after all these years, and we meet on other social
media.  Plus I have met some of you in person, and it has
always been wonderful. And some of you I talk to
on the phone once a week if at all possible.

4. Thank you to Howard Wolinsky who saw my blog in
2008 and interviewed me on YouTube about blogging.  His
interview got me on the Oprah Winfrey show.

5. Thank you to Alyson Stanfield, the Art Biz coach, who
calmed me down before I went on the Oprah Winfrey show
with excellent advice.

6. Thank you to Oprah Winfrey for letting me draw her
via Skype in 2009 live on her show, and changed my art life.

7. Thank you to the art collectors and galleries who have 
supported me along the way. Amazing.

8. Thank you to all of the artists out there blogging, using Instagram,
YouTube, TikTok and Facebook, for your exceptional art, excellent
ideas, and inspiration that has kept me going in the art world.

9. Thank you to the wonderful event organizers who have
found me through the blog and invited me to show in Florence,
Italy, Paris, France, New York City, Niagara Falls and
my home city of Toronto, Canada. You have made my art
life miraculous.

10. Thank you Alyson Stanfield for your wonderful book--
I'd Rather Be In The Studio for the book's excellent advice.

11. Thank you to the Don Valley Art Club in Toronto for
its weekly drawing group sessions, where I've loved 
painting and drawing with fellow artists on Tuesdays and getting 
material for my  blog. 

12.  Thank you to the Heliconian Club in Toronto for its
wonderful exhibition space, and for having me as a member.
My work will be in a solo show -- The Art of Celebration
opening on April 5 between 2 and 5 p.m.

13. Thank you to the beautiful young women who posed
for the painting in my first blog, which you can see tonight.

14. Thank you to my early art teachers at OCAD who got me
working in a way that could make the art I wanted to create, and
to every in person, and online art teacher I've had since. You make
a huge difference.

15. Thank you to the wonderful art podcasters I've watched (yes
visual and audio) recently, who have kept me focused and happy
during the difficult times we're living through.

16. Thank you to all of the people who have collected my art and 
bought my cards recently.  I am so grateful.

17. And first, not last, thank you to my family -- My husband, immediate
family, and a wide group of sweet relatives here in Toronto, across Canada,
and in the United States.  Thank you!

By the way if you see this painting at Seneca College, King Campus,
I would like it back.  There was talk of buying it, but that didn't happen.

Have a loving your life day!

Monday, February 17, 2025

The long journey

Steven and me on a boat cruise with the artists in 
the art show Carousel du Louvre on
 the Seine in Paris 
We are wearing T-shirts of my painting
that was showing in the Louvre in 2022.
In the background -- The Eiffel Tower
Photo: © kind stranger 2022

Today we travelled home from a weekend holiday in Ottawa.  It was a strange time,
and lovely and sweet at the same time.  For quite a bit of that vacation we sat talking,
or watching TV, or the constant heavy snow out the window.  And it was wonderful
 -- the peace and quiet -- no need to do anything.  Delicious food and time with my
brother and his wife, who are so much fun.

So now we're home, tired and happy, and ready for the exciting things that are going
to happen in the next few weeks in our lives. 

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

I am still incredibly grateful to Skype

Look at this
Acrylic on canvas
Barbara Muir © 2011
(Christopher my son, shown
here with his wife Megan,
who was his girlfriend then.
from a painting created during my
Skype painting series.
24 x 24 inches
Skype was the first technology that
let me see family when they were
far away. In this painting they were
teaching in Korea.)

Today as it is Valentine's weekend for me and my sweetheart, Steven,
I'm going to post a piece I wrote last year that is just as important this

"None of what happened in the past 16+ years of my art career would have
happened without Skype.  I started using Skype to talk to my son in Korea.
He and his girlfriend (now wife) worked teaching in Seoul, Korea for a year. 

I loved not only the ability to see my son and his girlfriend from across a
14 hour time difference, but I also like the distortion, and the breaking
up of the image when the connection wasn't working at its best. It made
for an interesting portrait dynamic, and I painted a few portraits based
on our conversations.

Ultimately working with Skype images got me interviewed by the
amazing writer and photographer, Howard Wolinsky, who was
writing a Skype blog at the time.  His video interview got me 
noticed by Oprah Winfrey's people, and on the Oprah Winfrey show
via Skype drawing wonderful Oprah Winfrey herself.

And all of that lead to art shows all over the U.S. and Europe. 
In this Month of Love I honour how love can power exciting
changes in our lives."

Have a loving your life day! 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday night -- movie night, wonderful dinner with family -- Happy Valentine's weekend


An Amaryllis in the kitchen -- with tulips
trying to get in the picture
Barbara Muir © 2025

It is movie night.  Had a super dinner tonight with family. So much fun.
And now we're going to watch a movie.  So like most Saturdays I won't
have much to say here.

Sending you this beautiful photo of an Amaryllis blooming in our kitchen.  A 
fond memory from the start of the year, and flowers for you on Valentine's 

Have a loving your life day!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you had a great day.  Very busy over here, and lots of love all day.

Here's what I said in a former post about the day, which works today too:

"In our house Valentine's Day is huge.  We decorate, we
talk about our favorite food, we eat more chocolate
than is at all wise, and in recent years I do a painting
for my own cards.  I love the idea of celebrating love.
That force for good is an incredible power, and I
can't thank my family and friends who love me enough
for the kindness, encouragement and wonder they've
brought into my life. And I thank them for giving me
the pleasure of loving them."

Thank you for your sweet support.  You all mean the
world to me.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Have a loving your life day!


Thursday, February 13, 2025

A snow day in Toronto

Snowy day in Toronto
iPad drawing
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019

This was the most important topic in Toronto today -- the snow.  My car is in a snowbank,
and I tried to dig it out, unsuccessfully.  So I concentrated on the sidewalk and shared
driveway.  Our neighbours on the other side of our semi shovel our sidewalk, and we
shovel theirs.  

The snow, as difficult as it is (two cars cannot drive on our street at the same time at the
moment), is a nice distraction from world news.  And the children are very happy.
No school.

Have a loving your life day. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Sitting the Drawing From Life opening and planning

Spring Table
(work in progress. I am revamping this.)
Acrylic on canvas
12 x 36 inches
Barbara Muir © 2007

I had a wonderful time sitting the 2025 Drawing from Life second opening
today at the Heliconian Club.  I met many great artists, and really got to
appreciate the work.  It was enlightening.

Now I'm thinking about the Vernal Equinox show, and revitalizing some
of my favourite spring paintings to add and renew them. We'll see.

Happy Valentine's Week.

Have a loving your life day. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The love of flowers in the Month of Love


Pegann's flowers
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 
(Pegann was a wonderful woman
who used to sell flowers at the
Brickworks Market in Toronto.
We haven't seen her for a
few years.  I hope she's well.)

One of our longstanding ways to spend late Saturday morning, is to go to the
Brickworks Market in Toronto.  Our favourite farmer, who we buy eggs,
quiche, baked goods, the most delicious pies I've ever eaten in my whole
life and flowers from (in season) takes our order online, and then gives it to
us with a big smile on our arrival.

He is away now until mid-March, so that habit is not happening.  Pegann,
who sold beautiful flowers quit coming to the Brickworks market a number
of years ago, and we miss her. 

But in The Month of Love I want to honour everyone who makes our lives
happy.  Jens and Ayse from Marvellous Edibles Farm are wonderful, and 
we look forward so much to seeing Jens again at the market.

Flowers, as I have told my friends, are one of my addictions. (The other
two are coffee and love.)

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Thinking about love, and why my life is happy

The Blue Sweater
acrylic on canvas
24" x 36"
Barbara Muir © 
(one of the most
important teachers
in my life has been
my sister Sally. This
portrait was created
based on a black and white
wonderful portrait by
my father.)

Thinking about Valentine's day (and yes we're in Valentine's week), I am happy 
I did this painting of my wonderful sister.  We had a great conversation today.
She lives on the other side of this country (Canada). 

Sally is a family therapist.  Thanks to her brilliant therapy partner when she
was in Toronto, I have a very happy life, and a happy marriage.  

Also Sally is funny and compassionate, and beyond kind. I think she probably
exemplifies a loving person as much as anyone in my life.  Such a pleasure
to talk to her.

Have a loving your life day. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

To counter scary negativity -- Mike Dooley's whoop exercise

Flowers at twilight
Barbara Muir © 2023

It is Sunday, and we had a fabulous day.  We went looking for a projector to buy
for me.  The store guys were sweet, but the only projector they had cost more than
a thousand dollars.  So we went and got our weekend wraps, then drove to the lake
(I had to see Lake Ontario today), and ate our wraps looking at that beautiful water.
It was slate grey with some blue, but still wonderful.

Tonight we had a great dinner at home, and watched our favourite show.  It was
a really sweet weekend.

I came upon this exercise in my blog that I learned from Mike Dooley, and ended
up teaching to my Positive Psych classes at a local community college.  It does seem
silly, but it works. Since I learned it I have had an even more wonderful life than I was
already having.  True.  I am lucky.  And we have hard things in our lives. But
knowing how to return to joy is a quite lovely skill.  And it's helpful to those
around you too.  I don't mean you don't allow grief, sorrow, disappointment.
If you pay attention to the news these days, those can be a constant.  I mean
you can sometimes return to being happy.  Here's the exercise -- My husband
and I just tried it -- it does make you feel good!

"Stand up (if you can), put your arms in the air, whoop
like you just had the best news in your whole life,
cover your face because you're so excited you can't
hold your joy in, whoop again with your hands over
your head, put your hands on your chest, shake your
head because you're so astounded with joy, and say
out loud, "You won't believe what's happened." 
As I said I learned this from Mike Dooley at 
and it is amazing what happens if you try this little
exercise once every so often.  Huge things happen,
wonderful things happen -- that's why I'm sharing it
with you.  (I got on the Oprah Winfrey show, invited
to show in Florence, Paris, New York!) My life has absolutely
taken off into a level of joy I couldn't have imagined since
I learned to do this.  No.  I'm not crazy, I'm one of the sanest
people you 
know.  And no my life isn't perfect.  People in my
family and intimate circle have serious health issues,
I do experience deep sorrow and loss, and even so...
Give it a try."

Have a loving your life day! 

Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!