An inside look at journal pages
I created when I taught an art journal
course. This is a collage of a mix
of images, coloured stars
sign maker's gold, marker and
watercolour crayon
(The message reads, "It's funny
this preoccupation with angels
because I don't believe in angels
except in the way of, "Be an
angel will you darling and
bring me a cup of coffee
I created when I taught an art journal
course. This is a collage of a mix
of images, coloured stars
sign maker's gold, marker and
watercolour crayon
(The message reads, "It's funny
this preoccupation with angels
because I don't believe in angels
except in the way of, "Be an
angel will you darling and
bring me a cup of coffee
As a college professor I've taught writing and presentation. The key
in both cases is somewhat the same as in painting -- edit, edit, edit.
In writing try something, if it doesn't work, delete and write it in
a different way. In art try something, if it doesn't work, rub it out, or paint
it over. Try something else. Part of it works, part doesn't? More editing
on a visual plain.
Back and forth. And fingers crossed -- eventually you get it right.
If anything making art is harder than writing, which would surprise people.
Have a loving your life day!
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